Neurologists Discover Rest Periods Essential for Building Physical Memory

Neurologists Discover Rest Periods Essential for Building Physical Memory
Yomiuri Shimbun: 体で覚えるなら休憩が大事…脳の仕組みを解明
June 15, 2011

During rest periods between training sessions in activities based on “physical memory”, such as playing the piano and riding a bicycle, proteins are produced in the frontal cerebellum and moved to other parts of the brain, scientific researchers have discovered.

“Rest is essential to study,” confirmed the scientific study published in an American journal of psychology on the 15th.

Our memory of information like names is divided between the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. In the experiment, a board was moved right and left in front of a mouse, and its eye movements were tracked. The mouse which was allowed to rest between training sessions could follow the board perfectly one day later, but the mouse who had no rest had forgotten half the pattern by the next day, which indicated that the breaks were advantageous.





(2011年6月15日13時34分 読売新聞)

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